Email campaigns sorted with 4CRM
You can send your newsletters via email that is fully integrated directly into your CRM Platform! 4CRM’s email marketing platform is right there in your own system.

Managing your Email Campaigns
The effectiveness of your customer communication is a vital part of growing your business, customer retention and loyalty, nurturing leads and getting recommendations. Why use different email systems to communicate with your customers when you can use one that is already fully integrated into your CRM platform? With the 4CRM ADD-ON Email package, you can create E-mail campaigns, Newsletters, Updates and E-Notifications and send them to your customers. All you have to do is pay your annual add-on charge and stay within your 4CRM Customer limit. All messages sent from 4CRM and referenced to a contact or business, gets stored within the relevant contact and linked business profile dashboards. The 4CRM Email Marketing platform offers everything you would expect from other platforms but it is right there within your own business dashboard, so included in your data for each contact is who you have mailed and when.